Education and degrees awarded:
Msc, St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of psychology, specialization in developmental psychology, № ABC 0991230, date of issue 30.06.1998
PhD, St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of psychology, theses titled “Patterns of attachment of family-reared and orphanage children”, 19.05.2010
Related professional training:
Regular participation in seminars, workshops and supervision, organized by the International Association for the Study of Attachment (IASA) and Family Relation Intsitute (FRI); Inter-rater reliability in the Strange Situation Procedure (SSP), Preschool Assessment of Attachment (PAA) (1999-present time)
Participation in the educational course on longitudinal observation of toddlers and preschool children as well as the infants. The course was organized by the Saint-Petersburg Society of Child Psychoanalysis (the member of European Federation for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (EFPP), the Russian Federation (2002-2003, 2017-2018)
Participation in the educational course “Preparing training programs”. The program was organized by the International School for Psychotherapy, Counselling, and Group Leadership “Harmony”, St. Petersburg, the Russian Federation (2008)
Participation in the training course “Parent-Infant Psychotherapy – Specialist Training” which is organized by Anna Freud National Center for Children and Families, London, UK (2016-2019)
Cooperation in teaching
Conducting training for psychologists, special teachers and social workers within the project “Development and piloting a model of early interventions services in Turkmenistan” as a consultant of UNICEF – Turkmenistan, in Russian (2016) Providing practical training courses for mental health professionals (doctors, psychologists, social workers, nurses and volunteers) in collaboration with non-governmental organizations and foundations “Doctors to Children” (St. Petersburg, the Russian Federation-USA), “Every child” (St. Petersburg, the Russian Federation-UK), the National Foundation for Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NFPCC-RF), and other regional foundations which develop the system of social support for families and children at risk.
Management of assessment procedures
Providing the assessment of the quality of parent-child relationships and child’s development at home and laboratory setting. Assessments procedures include the videotaping with complex structure.
List of main publications
Pleshkova N.L. (2021). Attachment strategies and adaptive symptom function // Poznanie i perezhivanie [Cognition and Experience]. V. 2. № 2. P. 88–98. (in Rus)
Pleshkova, N., Tatarenko, O., & Sevryugin, D. (2021). Features of parent-child interaction and behavioral problems among children with autism spectrum disorder. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Psychology, 11(2), 162–178. (in Rus)
Pleshkova N.L., Tatarenkо О.V., Sevryugin D.V. (2020). Assessment of emotional and behavioral problems among children with autism spectrum disorder using the CBCL/1½-5. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Psychology, 10 (3), 274–288. (in Rus)
Syrjänen, M., Hautamäki, A., Pleshkova, N., Maliniemi, S. (2019). Self-protective strategies of parents with ADHD and their children as mediated by sensitivity – a multiple-case study. Journal of Children's Services 14, 4, pp. 278-291.
Syrjänen, M., Hautamäki, A., Pleshkova, N., & Maliniemi, S. (2019). Attachment and sensitivity among parents with ADHD - a multiple-case study. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 24(2), 156-166.
Syrjänen M., Hautamäki A., Pleshkova N., Maliniemi, S. (2018). Adults with ADHD – A retrospective account of the family systems and attachment relationships. Clinical Neuropsychiatry 15 (2), 121- 129.
Pleshkova N.L. & Muhamedrahimov R.J. (2010). Quality of attachment in St. Petersburg (Russian Federation): A sample of family-reared infants. Clinical Child Psychology Psychiatry, 15(3), 355-362.
N.L. Pleshkova (2020) Infant-parent counselling. In V.O. Anikina (Ed.) Children and parents counselling. Handbook. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University Publisher, 12-38. (in Rus)
Obimacha D. Pleshkova N.L. (2015). Psychological adaptation of preschool children from Lithuania and the Russian Federation. The best collected works of the Department of Psychology graduates (pp. 148-154) St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University Publisher. (in Rus)
Major research awards
Leader of the Research Team in the research project: "Mother-child interaction and adaptive behaviour in preschool children with autism spectrum disorders", supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant № 19-013-00285). 2019-2020
Visiting Research Fellow for the project “The attachment strategies and sensitivity of adults with the ADHD diagnosis coupled to the attachment strategies of their children”, supported by Swedish School of Social Science, University of Helsinki, (2014-2020). Assessor of child's attachment and caregiver-child interaction, discussant of Adults Attachment Interview.
Member of the Research Team in the research project “Impact of Early Deprivation on Bio-Behavioral Indicators of Child Development”, supported by the Government of the Russian Federation (grant № 14.Z50.31.0027). The research is conducted by lead scientist, professor of Yale University (USA) Elena Grigorenko in collaboration with Yale University. (2014-2016).
Assessor of child's attachment and caregiver-child interaction Visiting Research Fellowship for the project ““TRAM – transmission of attachment across three generations – mediators and mechanisms”, supported by Swedish School of Social Science, University of Helsinki, (2012-2014). Coder of child's attachment and caregiver-child interaction.
Member of the Research Team in Russian - USA research project “Long-Term Effects of Early Social-Emotional Relationship Experience in Post-Institutionalized Children”. This project supported by grant HD050212 from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development to R. McCall and K. Groark, (2007-2012). Assessor of child’s development.
Member of the Research Team in Russian - USA research project “The Effect of Improving Caregiving on Early Mental Health” (Saint-Petersburg State University, Faculty of Psychology – Office of Child Development at Pittsburgh University, CRDF, № R01 HD39017-01, (2000-2005). Assessor of child's attachment and caregiver-child interaction